Take the Squirrel outside to work in tough conditions with the All Terrain Kit. A base with four solid rubber wheels and four independently adjustable jacks, an All Terrain-fitted Squirrel adjustable height platform can be pushed over metal yards and has levelling capability for stability on sites that may not be completely flat.

Use it with

Squirrel S23 Accessory Combo

Gain an extra 500mm in reach height on the Equiptec Squirrel S23 with the 2 Step Sub Chassis extension kit. This retrofittable accessory easily fits with base kits such as the Go-Base and All Terrain options, and the height adjusting rachet is lowered so it remains at a comfortable reach for adjusting platform heights.

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Gain an extra 1 metre in reach height on the Equiptec Squirrel S23 with the 4 Step Sub Chassis extension kit. This retrofittable accessory easily fits with base kits such as the Go-Base and All Terrain options, and the height adjusting rachet is lowered so it remains at a comfortable reach for adjusting platform heights.

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Reach over obstacles to access your work easily. With 630mm horizontal reach, this ‘bolt on’ extension accessory (including the neatly stowed counterweight system) for the Equiptec Squirrel S23 creates an amazingly long deck that noses right up to that difficult job.

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Get your Squirrel S23 with All Terrain Kit today

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