That could mean some very bespoke equipment, and some clever Engineering feats when it comes to getting your personnel safely to where they need to be to perform the maintenance tasks that are inevitably required.
And that’s where Equiptec can help. You see they have been supplying access equipment for 30 years. But more importantly they have been building multipurpose Adjustable Height Platforms for well over a decade now, fitting them with all various adaptions to not just satisfy, but delight our Customers with Safe and Efficient means of access to situations that had presented dangerous and difficult problems for many years.
Equiptec’s new range of AHP maintenance units … from an excellent pedigree. The pedigree has been formed over the years by the needs and expectations of our Clients. Not only are these needs and expectations catered for through our Engineered creations, but they are also highly valued by our whole Team…they tell us what your real needs are, and that drives our vision.
This has been the case from the very beginning. Back in 2009 Equiptec received a plea from several Queensland Mining Operations for a solution to a pressing problem…every new or different type of machine that needed servicing seemed to also need a different ladder/platform/stair set. No matter how many they had, they always turned out to be the wrong height, size or shape! To illustrate their point, Equiptec was shown a yard full of battered looking ladders and stair units. The message was clear…they wanted fewer stair platforms to do more jobs… but also more efficiently.
The Equiptec design team tackled the challenge to achieve what seemed impossible…a short while later, the first VRS presentation was made to one of the original enquirers. They were ‘blown’ away with the result. It was hard for them to believe that with just 2 models, they were able to access their entire multitude of servicing points on all machines on their site. As they said…the VRS was a game changer for them.
The VRS concept proved very reliable…and very popular. With the huge variety of Customer requests successfully met, Equiptec have now managed to leverage on that experience and evolve the VRS range into something that is even more user friendly…the Equiptec AHP’s.
The Equiptec AHP’s combines all the previous VRS advantages, but also add a lot more. More adjustability, greater working loads, easier transport, less maintenance, more reliability….and tougher to boot!
To make these state of the art Platforms easier to procure, Equiptec can even arrange a lease option, so you are not constrained by CAPEX hurdles, and can get those Safety and Efficiency gains locked into your operation today!
Contact your nearest Equiptec Distributor today, or just give the Team a call on +64 6 842 0222.